
A Very Belated Blog Update

Hello there, dear reader, if you're out there. After nearly a year of letting this little blog waste away, I've finally come to a decision about its future.

When I started my first blog back in college, blogging felt like the perfect hobby. I was an avid blog reader at the time and the idea of starting my own little online record felt like opening the door to endless possibilities. It also allowed me to use all of my skills in one place: my love of art and design went into the blog template and my insatiable curiosity went into learning how to code so I could customize my layout exactly the way I had envisioned it. And best of all, I had always considered myself a writer, so starting a blog just made that a little more official.

But here we are, nine years later, and I'm glad to say that I've changed. I do still love to write, read, and record my thoughts, but I've found a real love for expressing myself in video form. I love the raw realness of sitting down in front of the camera and just talking, the struggle of pulling a cohesive video out of 45 plus minutes of ramblings. And I think what I love most about making videos is the wonderful little community that I've built up around my BookTube channel. Seriously, I put up a video for the first time in months just this past weekend and within the first few hours all of the comments were welcoming me back just like we were old friends. As much as I hate to say it, I never got that kind of community engagement here.

I guess what I'm trying to say (in apparently the most long-winded way possible), is that this is farewell to the book blog, at least for now. I'm not good at goodbyes or making big decisions, so I won't say that I will never write out another bookish listical or review again, but for now, I think any bookish writing I do will be migrating over into my Goodreads reviews.

And of course, if you'd like to continue to follow my bookish journey, I will continue to share that over on my BookTube channel. Hopefully, I will see you there.

Happy reading!

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