
Bout of Books 17 Wrap Up

Another round of the Bout of Books readathon is over! I find it hard to believe just how quickly a week can go by when I participate in readathons. Yet again, my week turned out to be crazier than expected and I didn't get a whole lot of reading done. Luckily, I really enjoyed the reading I did do!

Number9 Dream - David Mitchell
Written in a similar vein to works by Haruki Murakami, Number9Dream is the story of a young man's search for his long lost father in the dangerous and fantastical landscape of urban Tokyo. Eiji Miyake lives above a video rental store, works at a train station's lost and found center, and dreams about the waitress at his favorite hotel with a beautiful neck.

Never before have I read a novel my a non-Japanese author that felt so distinctly Japanese, specifically so distinctly Murakami. The actual plot and Miyake's fantasies bleed together into a questionable narrative that moves at just the right pace. At points the book felt like it would never end, which is exactly what I wanted.

Samurai Warriors - David Miller
While I didn't manage to finish this one, Samurai Warriors is a nonfiction book that I have been dipping in and out of for months now. While the information is a little dense, it's broken up into nice small, digestible sections and it is definitely a reference material I will return to again and again. W

And that was the reading I did during the 17th round of Bout of Books! Did you guys participate? What reading did you get done?

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