
The TBR Tag

Just in case you didn't already know that I like lists and organization, I decided to do the TBR Tag to prove it!

The Questions:
1) How do you keep track of your TBR pile?
2) Is your TBR mostly print or ebook?
3) How do you determine which book from your TBR to read next?
4) A book that's been on your TBR the longest
5) A book you recently added to your TBR
6) A book on your TBR strictly because of its beautiful cover
7) A book on your TBR that you never plan on reading
8) An unpublished book on your TBR that you're excited for
9) A book on your TBR that basically everyone's read but you
10) A book on your TBR that everyone recommends to you
11) A book on your TBR that you're dying to read
12) How many books are on your Goodeads TBR shelf?

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